This year for Rally Day we will rally in a different way to meet the needs of people around the world. This year we will pack school kits and personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief from our homes. It’s a project for the entire family.
There is still time to pick up an instructional packet outside under the portico Sunday morning after worship. There are also some materials available to get you started. Then buy the remaining items, wrap them up and return your kit to church.
Remember “The Face Mask Challenge”.
If you need material, a box containing fabric will be available outside under the portico. We are hoping to donate 100 masks.
Please return your kits and face masks Sundays morning to the narthex in the designated spot. The last day to drop off your kit is Sunday, September 13. we will bless all of the kits outside after worship on September 13.
Don’t forget to wear your yellow “God’s Work. Our Hands.” t-shirt!