It wasn’t noticeable until I got into my truck and started for home on the evenings of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 9, 10 and 11. While I was in the building I could not detect it. But when I went into my vehicle, oh my was it obvious! What was obvious was the smell of smoke on my clothes, and on my hair. Thank goodness that facemasks are now part of our everyday wardrobe. I know mine helped.
You have heard it said that it could have been worse. This is most certainly true. As the first two weeks went by I could also see the many areas that were not burned. Some areas had both water and smoke residue. But the smoke went everywhere. Even into some organ pipes. While some possessions were lost, so much remains.
The path to recovery, restoration, rebuilding and, yes reformation is getting clearer. It will take more weeks to do this. We’ll be moving things back and forth to make way for the cleaning and rebuilding crews. We must adjust to this for the time being. But like during this year of coronavirus, your congregation remains open. The daily work of parish ministry continues.
The first Sunday of October is an important one for us. It is our annual Pledge Sunday, when those of us coming to worship present our 2021 pledges. Thank you to those who have sent a pledge in the mail. In this time of restoration, it is an appropriate time to renew your pledge to Holy Spirit.
Clifton D. Eshbach,