Hambright School Christmas Gifts
The staff at Hambright School wants us to stay safe as we shop for the kids this year. They have requested “gift cards” of $20 or $25 from our congregation. The gift cards will be easier to purchase and won’t require us to hunt for the “gift requests” we would usually be doing at this time of year. There is a gift box in the breezeway to put your gift cards in on Sundays through December 13. Some gift card suggestions are: Target, Wal-Mart, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Visa, or anywhere kids clothes or toys can be purchased. Thank you for your generous donations!
The Ladies at the Gatehouse
Everyone is invited to give a special gift of warmth in the form of a HAT, PAIR OF GLOVES, or SCARF to the ladies at the Gatehouse. A large white laundry basket is in the breezeway next to the narthex, ready for your donations. Any gently used coat or jacket would also be an appreciated gift for one of the ladies. These gifts will be collected through December 20. Thank you for your generous donations.