New things are happening around here! As we all prepare our gardens and plant new seeds, I want to plant a few seeds for things that will come to fruition this fall. Many of you have heard me speak about two things in the works, so let me share a little about them.
The first thing I want to touch on is something called “Second Sundays.” These events happen exactly when you might expect, on the second Sunday of each month beginning in September. This will be a faith formation event for the whole church. All ages will be involved from our very youngest to our most senior. There will be slightly different activities every time. For instance, we may have a Bible Jeopardy one month and a service project the next month. Some months will be tied into the holy days of that particular season and some months may be themed around a particular Bible story or faith practice. Each Sunday will culminate in a simple community meal so that we can reconnect with each other in fellowship. So be sure to start paying attention to messaging coming out about this over the summer. I hope you will take the time to show up and be a part of this ministry!
The next thing I want to share is some work that I have been doing over the last couple of months. Some of you who have attended our Easter Education Series got a small taste of some of that work. And if this interests you, that session is available on our youtube channel. It is the second week of the Easter Education Series. I have been working towards a certification in Neuromeditation techniques. Simply put, I have been learning about how different prayer and meditation techniques rewire the brain. The point of this is to find out which practices may be better than others for certain individuals, depending on their needs, physiology, and how each style of prayer and meditation impacts the brain. This fall I will be hosting a class sharing these techniques that I hope to be able to open up to the broader community.
I hope that these new ministries will be life-giving to us as a community. I look forward to exploring these things together with you all!