From the Pastor


Welcome to the beginning of this combined newsletter for the months of June and July. My former journalism colleagues would call this a “double issue.”  Please remember to keep the calendars for both months, as well as the schedules of worship leaders.

This time of the year gives us opportunities to think about, to worship, and to put into action our call from God to serve our neighbors both here and around the world. Early in June we will have a team of members taking part in the “Loaves and Fishes” food packing event at our synod assembly. Later in June, I will accompany Bishop James Dunlop on his first visit to our companions in the Konde Diocese of Tanzania. Vacation Bible School will be another wonderful experience for the children and for us too. In July we have a special trip planned for children to learn about stories of faith thanks to our friends at the Lutheran Camping Corporation.

And, of course, each Sunday we will gather for word and sacrament, where Christ sustains and commissions us to go out and offer ministry in his name.

Wherever you travel during these two months, be that beacon of the peace of Christ.  Share your life of faith. And remember the work of this congregation never stops. Return for worship and continually offer the gifts of your skills and your treasurers during this time. Both are needed so that our mission stays strong, and faithful, in the name of Jesus.

Clifton D. Eshbach
