Rally Day is September 9th this year. That is when we will all meet in Fellowship Hall right after church to assemble school kits, health kits, and knot one last quilt. Many of the kits and quilts last year went to disaster relief efforts both in the United States and around the world. Thanks to your help with this project we were able to send 60 school kits, 61 health kits, and 16 finished quilts.
If you haven’t done so yet, please take one of the post-it notes from the narthex window to help with the supplies needed for this year’s kits. The essentials needed by so many people are a small way we can show and share the extraordinary love of Jesus! School kits allow students to attend school and have success. The basic items in a personal care kit can give a person reminders of someone’s concern for them. As they wash away the dirt and sweat from a disaster or a conflict when fleeing their homes, the fresh scent of soap and a soft dry towel do wonders for a broken spirit.
Thank you for your spirit of giving as you serve others with your donations!