Semi-annual Meeting of the Congregation
Sunday, November 24 following worship
Agenda items include
Approval of 2014 Operating Budget
Reception of Semi-annual Bulletin of Reports
Sunday, November 24 following worship
Semi-annual Meeting of the Congregation
Sunday, November 24 following worship
Agenda items include
Approval of 2014 Operating Budget
Reception of Semi-annual Bulletin of Reports
The annual community Thanksgiving Eve Service will be hosted by Concordia Lutheran Church on Wednesday, November 27th at 7:00 pm.
Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service
The annual community Thanksgiving Eve Service will be hosted by Concordia Lutheran Church on Wednesday, November 27th at 7:00 pm. We will also be joined by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Millersville. We hope to see you there.
If you thought October went quickly then, “fasten your seat belts,” as begins a famous quote from the movies. But unlike the rest of that quote, here it will not be a bumpy ride. It will be a faithful ride as we close this liturgical year and prepare to begin a new one in December.
November already?!
I can hear the sighs now. Does it seem to you that as we get closer to the end of the calendar year the days move faster, like a snowball picking up mass and speed going down the hill? If you thought October went quickly then, “fasten your seat belts,” as begins a famous quote from the movies. But unlike the rest of that quote, here it will not be a bumpy ride. It will be a faithful ride as we close this liturgical year and prepare to begin a new one in December.
In November we give thanks for and remember all the saints (remember the time change at the beginning of the month), the next week we are very fortunate to welcome our synodical Bishop to worship. And the next week is the Thanksgiving Dinner. And the next week will be our semi-annual meeting. And don’t forget equally enjoyable things such as a game night, choir rehearsals, and Sunday School. And then guess what, it will be December!
All of these events are opportunities to express our thanks to God for the blessings we have been given and to continue our mission to share Jesus’ love in word and deed. Therefore in the midst of what may seem to be a month full of responsibilities, remember to offer a prayer of thanks to God who gives us these blessings, especially the blessing of a Savior, Jesus Christ. And I suppose I should add, be here to receive the good gifts of God through all of these various faithful activities.
AND, remember that every week is a good week to invite a neighbor or friend to Holy Spirit to sense the power of God’s Holy Spirit at work in our worship, service, education and fellowship. This Spirit keeps us together, motivated and creative so that we can continue to strive to fulfill our mission.
On Saturday October 26 from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Holy Spirit Lutheran Church will host a “Family Health and Safety Fair” at their 3131 Columbia Avenue location. The fair will feature a preregistered American Heart certified CPR class with information tables on child safety, blood pressure screenings, stress management and mini massages.
On Saturday October 26 from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Holy Spirit Lutheran Church will host a “Family Health and Safety Fair” at their 3131 Columbia Avenue location. The fair will feature preregistered American Heart certified CPR class followed by: senior safety and community resources for seniors; helmet, car seat, and gun lock safety, along with representatives from New York Life will provide child ID registry and everything from family protection to estate preservation information. In addition there will be blood pressure screenings, stress management information along with help to identify the warning signs of a stroke and heart attack. Mini massages will be given to those who wish, along with healthy food ideas and samples.
The purpose of the “Family Health and Safety Fair” is to provide the community with health and safety resources. “We want to help families take charge of their health by empowering seniors, parents and children. We hope this event will provide resources that will help families start to make safer and healthier choices.” say Co-Chairs Eleanor Simpson R.N., M.S.N., C.R.N.P and Kathy Walton, R.N. B.S.N. both members of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church.
In addition to the Safety and Health information, a representative from local law enforcement will be present to answer questions in regard to child safety. This will include stranger safety, child abduction, firearm safety, and Halloween safety.
This family-focused event is free and open to the public. For more information on this event or if you wish to register for the CPR class, which runs from 9 a.m.-noon, please contact the church office at 717.394.6771.
During the month of August, the food pantry served 192 families which included 94 seniors, 252 children, and 312 adults, for a total of 658 people served during the month.
During the month of August, the food pantry served 192 families which included 94 seniors, 252 children, and 312 adults, for a total of 658 people served during the month. Currently there are more than 240 families registered to receive assistance with food. Clients may visit the pantry once a week, either Monday or Wednesday…an average of 100 families visit the pantry each week.
“Thank you” to your members who contributed over 100 pounds of food items to the pantry during the month of August! The pantry continues to receive fresh produce from our “summer farmers!”
Highlighted donations during the month of August included: WJTL Cookie Break event – 826 pounds of food ; Darrenkamps Store in Mount Joy – 2,098 pounds of fresh produce; Penn State Extension Research fields – 304 pounds of fresh produce; Forry’s Market – 334 pounds of food items; many private individuals totaled – 697 pounds of food items including fresh produce; the Target Store in Lititz – 1,037 pounds of food items, fresh produce, and bakery items; S. Clyde Weaver – 188 pounds of bakery items; Weis stores in Columbia and on Stony Battery Road a combined total of 1,201 pounds of bakery items. In addition, the pantry receives monthly donations of food items from many other churches in the Hempfield community. The pantry is a total community effort working together to help families with weekly food assistance!
The pantry is seeking donations of NEW, small gift items to fill Christmas bags (lunch bag size) for the children (age 12 and under) of client families. Donations may be delivered to Zion the week of December 1 through December 6 during pantry “open” days (Monday and Wednesday 8 AM – 12:00 PM). Bags will be filled on Saturday December 7. We do not need tooth brushes…..many have been already donated!