More Than Money: Stewardship Offerings

With the start of a new school year, many people find September a good time to evaluate their personal priorities and often find new ways to serve.

Sharing your time and talent is an important aspect of Biblical stewardship.  With the start of a new school year, many people find September a good time to evaluate their personal priorities and often find new ways to serve.   What are your special talents?  Could you use them for our ministry at Holy Spirit or the community beyond our walls?

Think of what could enrich your worship experience.  Perhaps it is serving as a lector or deacon, singing on the choir, or attending Sunday School or Bible Study.  Maybe reaching out to the greater community of faith would add special meaning to your life as a Christian.  You can help God’s people through volunteering at the Hempfield Food Pantry or through Love INC.  We expect many of you will help create personal care kits and school kits on September 8 to help those in need in many parts of the world, through Lutheran World Relief. Thank you for your gifts of time and resources  to assist these ministries.

Recently, the Thursday night bible study was reminded that all of us have been given gifts of the spirit to use for the common good of the community. Consider using your God given gifts for the benefit of God’s kingdom.

Fall 2013 Adult Education at Holy Spirit

This year, you can be part of an exciting line up of presentations: scripture study, special guests, and a variety of topics, spiced with healthy portions of good will, good humor and good people. (Not to mention coffee. There has to be coffee!) Adult education happens after Sunday worship, about 10:45 a.m.

Are you ready for a fall season filled with awesome times of learning?

This year, you can be part of an exciting line up of presentations: scripture study, special guests, and a variety of topics, spiced with healthy portions of good will, good humor and good people. (Not to mention coffee. There has to be coffee!) Adult education happens after Sunday worship, about 10:45 a.m.


The Church And Its Mission Around The World
Learn how our service at Holy Spirit makes a positive difference around the world.

  • September 8: Sunday School Kickoff and Service Project for Lutheran World Relief
    Wear your new Holy Spirit T-shirt and help assemble school kits and personal care kits for people around the world.
  • September 15: So…Where do Those Kits Go?
    Norma Good, our expert on all things Lutheran World Relief, tells and shows us where these school kits and personal care kits go and why it’s important to keep making them.
  • September 22: Hope in Haiti: What it Is and why Folks Love Going There
    Holy Spirit member Becca O’Shea will share her experience of being in Haiti this summer. She has been part of our synod’s presence in one particular place in Haiti. Learn why it’s making a positive impact.
  • September 29: Lutherans of Ethiopia: A Holy and Courageous Church
    Lancaster County has a growing community of Lutherans from Ethiopia. New Holy Spirit member Melese Anamo will share the story of the church in his native land and how it brings the gospel to people across the country.


A Celebration and a Look In The Mirror

  • October 6: Welcome Back Allison and Pastor Eshbach!
    It’s time for a party! A time of pure social enjoyment to celebrate the return of our newly healed staff members.
  • October 13, 20 and 27: Who The Heck Are We?
    A look at who we are as Lutheran Christians, American Lutheran Christians, ELCA Lutheran Christians, Holy Spirit Lutheran Christians. This will also serve as our new member class for the fall. Please invite some friends to join us for these three weeks, culminating on Reformation Sunday.


A Study, a Visit and a Meeting

  • November 3 and 17: Saint Matthew’s Gospel
    Beginning with season of Advent we begin the lectionary year which features the Gospel of St. Matthew. We will take time in November to study what Matthew wrote, how he wrote it, and to whom he wrote it. This is good stuff for the Biblical scholar in you.
  • November 10: It’s the Bishop!
    We are extremely fortunate that only ten weeks into his service as Bishop, Holy Spirit will be hosting the Rev. James Dunlop, the new bishop of the Lower Susquehanna Synod. Bishop Dunlop will preach and preside at worship and following a reception in the narthex, we will have an hour of conversation with the bishop.
  • November 24: Semi-Annual Meeting of the Congregation
    Our regularly scheduled congregation meeting. We will approve the operating budget for 2014, receive a bulletin of report and dream big for how we can keep our discipleship vibrant as we serve our community of Lancaster County and our community of the world.


A Study of the Season of Preparation and Watching

  • December 1: Advent Craft Workshop
    Oh boy! We get to be with the children again, making an Advent craft to direct our focus on this most holy season.
  • December 8, 15 and 22: The Meaning of Advent in Our Lives
    Advent is a most spiritual time of reflection about who we are, where we are, and what we hope for in the future. Each week a different theme will be presented. They include: The Gospel Texts of Advent, The Music of Advent, concluding with The Hope of Advent. Don’t rush past Advent. Waiting for Christmas has special significance for Christians, which you will appreciate as we move through the season.
  • December 29: No class. Merry Christmas!

Stay tuned for the Winter/Spring 2014 Term!