Thanksgiving Eve Service

Wednesday, November 21 7:00 p.m.
St. Paul Lutheran Church in Millersville

Mark Your Calendars now for…

Thanksgiving Eve Service!

The annual Thanksgiving Eve service will be held at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Millersville beginning at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, Nov. 21st.


God’s Work. Our Hands.

Rally Day
September 9, 2018

Rally Day is September 9th this year.  That is when we will all meet in Fellowship Hall right after church to assemble school kits, health kits, and knot one last quilt.  Many of the kits and quilts last year went to disaster relief efforts both in the United States and around the world.  Thanks to your help with this project we were able to send 60 school kits, 61 health kits, and 16 finished quilts.

If you haven’t done so yet, please take one of the post-it notes from the narthex window to help with the supplies needed for this year’s kits.  The essentials needed by so many people are a small way we can show and share the extraordinary love of Jesus!  School kits allow students to attend school and have success.  The basic items in a personal care kit can give a person reminders of someone’s concern for them.  As they wash away the dirt and sweat from a disaster or a conflict when fleeing their homes, the fresh scent of soap and a soft dry towel do wonders for a broken spirit.

Thank you for your spirit of giving as you serve others with your donations!


Tanzania Trip

Uyole Lutheran Church

July 23, Marty Brunner and Pastor Eshbach visited our companions in Christ at Uyole Lutheran Church, in the Konde Diocese of southwest Tanzania. They are part of a five-person delegation from our synod.

In addition to our companion congregation, they visited the secondary school, hospital and Bible college that are owned and operated by the Lutheran church in this region.

The trip was designed to maintain and expand our connections with our companions in Tanzania. They have a vibrant community that shares Jesus’ love in word and deed too!

The pastor preached on both July 29 and August 5 at Lutheran congregations, one in the Konde Diocese and one in Dar es Salaam.

Pastor Eshbach  remained two additional days. During those two days he lead our synod’s delegation to the first ever national gathering of all the ELCA synods and Tanzanian dioceses who have companion relationships. This meeting was structured to also build relationships and discuss theological and program topics common to our two churches.

Look for a date in September when he and Marty will make a presentation during the Sunday School hour.


Community Pet Event

September 29
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Save the Date for the Third Annual Community Pet Event!

Our annual community pet blessing will be held Saturday, September 29, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Several exhibitors will be here to share their mission with the community. It is a fun day with our two legged, four legged and maybe even no legged friends.

Community Pet Celebration

Saturday, October 8, 2016
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m
All Pets Welcome!

Bring your pet and join your neighbors as we celebrate our pets and the love they give us. All Pets Welcome!

Leashes, harnesses and/or crates are required for pets.

  • Free “Pet Pouch” for each family.
  • Service dog training demonstration
  • Information from Humane PA
  • Tours of the church
  • Pet safety information
  • Refreshments (for pets and people)
  • The Blessing of the Animals will occur at 12 noon