Festival Choir and Bell Choir

We are looking for additional members for these choirs!

“Ringers” Needed

Allison is looking for people who would like to be part of the bell choir that will play one Sunday in Advent and at the 10:00 pm service on Christmas Eve.  Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm. Please let Allison know immediately if you would like to be a part of this group.


Festival Choir

The choir is looking for additional singers to join our ranks for the 10:00 pm service on Christmas Eve.  If you would like to join the choir, to indeed make beautiful music, please let Allison Carlson know.  The first rehearsal will be held on Nov. 30th after the worship service.   We will also rehearse on Sunday, Dec. 7, 14 and 21 after the worship.  The rehearsals will last for 15-20 minutes and will be held in the choir room next to the Spirit Center.


Calling all Singers

We are always looking for new persons to join the choir, so if you like to sing come on out and join us on Sept. 10.

The first choir rehearsal for the season will be held at 7:00pm on Wednesday, September 10, 2014.  We are always looking for new persons to join the choir, so if you like to sing come on out and join us on Sept. 10.

Holy Week at Holy Spirit

The most significant week of the year for Christians takes us from the heights of cheers and palm branches, to the depths of death upon the cross…

HOLY WEEK at Holy Spirit

The most significant week of the year for Christians takes us from the heights of cheers and palm branches, to the depths of death upon the cross, and back to the new fire, rebirth and celebration of the resurrection. Fully enter into magnitude of this time by being present for each of these times of sacred worship.

The Sunday of the Passion – April 13th, 9:30 a.m.

We begin with the Gospel procession with palms and transition to hear of the events of the Passion of our Lord.


 The Great Three Days

The Triduum: one service over three days,

Maundy Thursday – April 17th at 7:00 p.m.:   On the night before his death, we hear how our Lord Jesus provides the example of humble service through the holy meal, washing feet and leaving a great commandment to love.  We transition to his arrest and trial with the stripping of all worship appointments.

Good Friday – April 18th at 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m.: The service continues as we hear the story of the death and burial of Jesus and venerate the cross on which held the salvation of the world.

The Great Vigil of Easter – April 19th at 7:00 p.m. This year Holy Spirit hosts the culmination of the Triduum. The service of light leads us to hear stories of salvation history, to a remembrance of our baptism and the celebration of the first Eucharist of the resurrection.


The Resurrection of Our Lord

Easter Sunday – April 20th at 9:30 a.m. Our patience and mediation during Lent and the three days is rewarded with the glorious words and songs of resurrection. Let the celebration begin!


December Worship Assistant Schedule

The congregation is grateful for all those that share their talents in worship.

December 2013  Worship Assistants
Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Dec.24  Early Dec. 24             Late Dec. 29
Acolytes Andrew Knaub Ed Smith John Schmitt Sayre Turney Acolyte:Jeff Reed  Torchbearers: Suzann Schwenk      Diana Eckert  Bible Bearer: Sayre Turney Charlie Schwenk
Deacons Chris Tourville    Charlie Schwenk Jim LaPorte         Patti LaPorte Sandy Rohrback  Pat Cauler Ed Smith      Andrew Knaub Bryan Walton      Barb Eshbach Doug Dandridge   Candy Steiner
Lectors Peg Jahnke Ruth Davis Walker Phillips Tim Brixius Sayre Turney Betty Emich
Greeters Glenn & Miriam Nauman Sue Large           Dee Mumma Harold & Norma Good Peg Jahnke   Ruth Davis Linda Schmitt     Joan Miller Janet Wiegand    Marilyn Knaub
Ushers Don Eckert                      Don Jahnke Bob Slade                     Russ Provonost Walt Hurst                    Ray Brunner Pat Cauler  Walker Phillips Bob Slade                       John Schmitt Don Eckert                    Deb Cibik
Nursery Assistants Linda Rogers Shayla Calvetti Jan Wacker     Joan Miller
Altar Guild     :Set-up Diana Thompson Wilma Houser   Mary Jane Lynch Candy Steiner Sayre Turney Sayre Turney Sayre Turney
                  :Clean-up Nancy & Walt Hurst Bob  & Linda Slade Candy & Dennis Steiner Sayre Turney Candy Steiner Sayre Turney
Council Person Marilyn Knaub Kristi Pronovost Bryan Walton Pat Winters
Note: If you are unable to serve when you are scheduled please make an effort to find a substitute.  If you are able to find a substitute notify the Church office of  the change so that the bulletin can reflect the change  If you cannot find a substitute please contact one of the persons below. Thank you.
Sandy Rohrback  (Lectors & Deacons)
Sayre Turney  (Acolytes, Greeters, Ushers, Nursery Assistants & Altar Guild)
Bob Slade  (Ushers)

Lancaster Heritage Chorale Concert

The Lancaster Heritage Chorale will present their final concert of the 2013 Christmas season on Sunday, January 5th beginning at 4:00 pm in the nave.

Lancaster Heritage Chorale Concert

The Lancaster Heritage Chorale will present their final concert of the 2013 Christmas season on Sunday, January 5th beginning at 4:00 pm in the nave. This is a wonderful way to bring closure to the Christmas season.  Light refreshments will be served following the concert. Everyone is welcome to attend.